As we move into balance within ourselves, our inner harmony both contributes to and is reflected in the world around us. It is important - for our own well being, and for the quality of our relationships and endeavors - that we take time to nurture and care for ourselves on a regular basis. When we do so, we can contribute the best of who we are to all that we do. As we create health, happiness, and peace within, everything in our lives benefits and we impact the greater whole in a positive way.
The services offered here are intended to support your well being and personal growth.
Bryony combines her unique skills and experience to provide yoga and meditation instruction, therapeutic bodywork and energy work, remotely or in person.
Individual sessions are customized for each client’s proclivity and current needs.
Foremost in Bryony’s approach is encouraging others to honor their own authentic path and trust the inherent wisdom within.
Bryony Anderson Pullin, LMT, CYT

NCBTMBA; FL license MA#55160
Bryony has had a lifelong passion for wellness on all levels, and her idea of health and healing is a holistic one - addressing body, mind, and spirit. She has immersed herself in these studies for over 35 years, beginning as a teenager seeking to understand and improve her own health.
Her formal training has included two Yoga Teacher Trainings (1997, and 2004 Yoga Alliance RYT200), advanced yoga teacher trainings in the Iyengar tradition, Massage Therapy (Neuro-muscular Therapy, Connective Tissue Therapy, Swedish and Sports massage,) Hydrotherapy, Ortho-Bionomy® 500 hour Practitioner Training, CranioSacral Therapy (including Biodynamic Cranial Work), Reiki, Distance healing, Polarity Therapy, Matrix Energetics, Shiatsu/acupressure, Touch for Health, meditation, nutrition and detoxification, Macrobiotics, Ayurveda, Flower essences, Metaphysics, Anatomy, Biomechanics, and Kinesiology.
Aside from classroom training, Bryony is a student of Life. She values the Life lessons represented in everyday occurrences, and finds Nature and animals to be among the best teachers of all. She loves to learn and is committed to never-ending personal and professional growth, regularly attending continuing education courses to further deepen and refine her knowledge and skills.
Bryony's other passion is horses, and she has enjoyed a deep bond with them since childhood. Her involvement with equine rehabilitation and training lead to her dual career in therapeutic bodywork for both horse and human, and to specialized teaching of yoga for equestrians. Working with horses~ who are extremely sensitive, honest, and authentic~ has helped further develop Bryony's sensitivity to subtle energies and skills which also benefit her human bodywork practice.
Bryony was inspired to develop her Yoga for Equestrians work as she witnessed the way her horse responded to and mirrored her internal body patterns and her thoughts. Recognizing the way our bodies and minds affect these sensitive beings, Bryony works with others to cultivate greater understanding, communication, and compassion between humans and their horses, and to apply the lessons of the horse to our own lives as well.
For more information on Bryony's equine work, please visit: